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The Power Of Linux – Brought To You Simplified

Linux has increa...

Published on: Apr 07, 2014

Categories: Linux Server's
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Linux Self Optimizing and Repair Script


Published on: Mar 26, 2014

Categories: Linux Server's
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Making and configuiring yout apache server

Making and configuiring yout apache server     Setting up permissions on your server. find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; ...

Published on: Mar 16, 2014

Categories: Linux Server's
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Adding NRPE To servers

Client NRPE Install Download nrpe and nagios-plugin. Tarball names will vary depending on the release number of the packages wget

Published on: Mar 04, 2014

Categories: Linux Server's
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Installing Clamv To OpenFiler

Since this will be the source of many network files,  it is probably best to run an anti-virus on it.   I would just leave out the Block Storage and directories used as vm drives. conar...

Published on: Feb 27, 2014

Categories: Linux Server's
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Adding Bacula To OpenFiler

On my SAN Server, I not...

Published on: Feb 25, 2014

Categories: Linux Server's
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First Tune up your physical Server

In most cases you would want to start buy installing your Computer manufacture drivers.  If you followed me from the start or had us build  you are probably using HP G5 Servers. ...

Published on: Feb 23, 2014

Categories: Linux Server's
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Howto Get Data from Openfiler after Reinstalling

Hi  I ran into an issue where my Of  needed to reinstall.  I didn’t repartition so I was able to keep all  the data.  I  installed a  new copy of OpenFiler using Free space on the server. After Reinstalling and SSH into the box  I...

Published on: Feb 22, 2014

Categories: Linux Server's
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Joomla Error JFactory::getApplication(‘site’)

Eoor   mark(‘afterLoad’) : null; // Instantiate the application. $app = JFactory::getApplication(‘site’); // Execute the application. $app->execute(); ...

Published on: Jan 05, 2014

Categories: HOWTO's
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Securing Joomla Admin Page

Your going to want to lock down your administrator page in your Joomla website to stop dirty hackers from attempting to screw up all your work You can copy the the .htaccess file in your joomla folder and paste it in your ...

Published on: Jan 04, 2014

Categories: Linux Server's
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