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5 Website Development Tips To Boost Your Business Growth Exponentially

On my SAN Server, I not only made it a Dedicated Mysql server to utilize  the unused memory  but I also made it a backup storage device.  I made a virtual machine to actually process the backups  so the storage server wouldn’t process  too much.  This server will just  take the data and place it where u need it to go.  I used Webmin to manage it after installing.


In my set-up I have had to delete the start-up (Bacula as of 3.0  requires all  parties to have same version)  scripts  and /etc/bacula directory  for the latest version to  show


Install the necessary dev files:

conary update gcc

conary update gcc-c++

conary update glibc:devel

conary update zlib:devel

 conary update mysql:devel

conary update openssl:devel

 cd /tmp



 tar xvfz bacula-5.2.13.tar.gz

cd bacula-5.2.13

make ; make install

 ./configure –disable-libtool  -with-mysql -with-openssl -enable-smartalloc -enable-largefile -disable-build-dird -with-sd-password=All18211821  -enable-conio

Copy the resulting binary onto your production machine.  I created a new folder for it to keep it separate from the old one.  Also need to create /var/bacula and /var/bacula/working

 Start it in /etc/rc.local with something like the following:

/etc/bacula/bacula-fd –v –c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf (make sure to substitute your install dir from 6)     


# make install-autostart-sd


Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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