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There’s a very good reason Apple’s iPads continue to be world’s best selling tablets–actually make that 375,000. That’s how many apps are available for Apple’s iPad and iPad mini, compared to a few dozen tablet apps highlighted in the Google Play store and the Windows Store’s 60,000 options. Plus, many newer apps in the App Store take full advantage of the larger iPad’s Retina Display, delivering unparalleled sharpness.

Apple offers several of its own apps for work and play, including its iWork and iLife suites, but that’s just the start. There are tons of compelling third-party options in the App Store for keeping up on the latest news, social networking, streaming movies, managing your expenses, and cooking, and many apps have enjoyed a complete cosmetic overhaul with the arrival of iOS 7. Here are our 25 favorite apps for Apple’s tablet. 


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Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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