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5 Website Development Tips To Boost Your Business Growth Exponentially

Developing over WordPress has become so easy that anybody familiar with HTML/CSS could get started right away. PHP can seem daunting at first. But once you understand how everything works you’ll notice that WordPress is a well-oiled machine. Plugins, themes, widgets, taxonomies, shortcodes, and many other features can all be programmed using various WordPress APIs.

This collection focuses on a number of helpful resources for WordPress developers. Whether you are building a new theme from scratch or putting together a radical new plugin, you’ll find something in here that’s bound to be helpful. The more you practice the easier this process will get. Take a peek at some of these links and be sure to bookmark anything that looks interesting.


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WordPress Query Generator

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Collection of functions.php codes

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Custom Post Types Generator

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Move WordPress from Development to Production

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Hide the Fact a Site is Using WordPress

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Custom Search for CPT

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Organizing functions.php Code

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WordPress Shortcodes: A Complete Guide

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Create a Custom WordPress Widget

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jQuery Tabber Widget

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WordPress Child Themes Development

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Developing Your First WordPress Theme


Setup a Killer WordPress Testing Environment Locally


Understanding the Walker Class


How to write a WordPress plugin


Writing AJAX-enabled WordPress plugins


A/B Split Testing in WordPress using Google Analytics


Developing BuddyPress Themes – Part 1


How to secure your WordPress site


First Time Creating a Blog


Custom Post-Type with Custom Taxonomy


Filter to remove image dimension attributes


How to edit a user profile on the front end?


Create more WP Metaboxes as needed


Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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