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5 Website Development Tips To Boost Your Business Growth Exponentially

Microsoft Excel 2013 has a host of special features that make navigating, organizing, researching and presenting data simple and efficient for users. But, with all those tools clattering around the old productivity tool chest, a few inevitably get lost. For instance, have you ever performed a VLOOKUP to peck out buried bits of information from a huge haystack of  numbers? You probably know how to create Pivot Tables, but what about combining multiple spreadsheets into one super Pivot Table to access more of your reports faster? Or how about setting up a spreadsheet with conditional formatting so that data of a specific nature becomes recognizable at a glance? These special settings and more make up our list of Microsoft Excel 2013 Tips and Tricks You Need to Know.   


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Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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