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With the growing popularity of Android smartphones and tablets, iPhones and iPads are no longer the de-facto devices for everyday consumers. However, this doesn’t bother Tim Cook. Apple CEO’s recently spoke with Businessweek, claiming that while more and more people are opting for Android, iOS users are getting better use out of their products. 

In an interview that also included Apple software chief Craig Federighi and head of design Jony Ive, Cook spoke on Android’s growing market share how it affects his company. While Google’s OS can be found on almost 80 percent of the world’s smartphones according to IDC, Cook claims that there’s a big gap in customer satisfaction between his company and his biggest competitor.

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“Does a unit of market share matter if it’s not being used?” Cook asked Businessweek. His question is a valid one, as 55 percent of mobile web surfing is done on Apple devices according to NetMarketShare. A separate IBM survey from last Black Friday revealed that 88 percent of online tablet shopping was done on an iPad. Cook went on to note that Android delivers a fragmented overall experience, with many users stuck with Gingerbread or Ice Cream Sandwich, waiting for their shot at Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. 

“That would be like me right now having in my pocket iOS 3. I can’t imagine it,” said Cook in the story. On Apple’s front, 93 percent of its user base had iOS 6 installed as of this June. 

In addition to undermining Android’s growth, Cook also stated that his main competitors are playing copycat. With Google snagging Motorola in 2011 and Microsoft picking up Nokia last month, the two manufacturers have created an in-house synergy between hardware and software that Apple has had from the start. 

“Everybody is trying to adopt Apple’s strategy,” Cook told Businessweek.

Cook’s company sits in a state of flux, as Apple just unleashed its drastically redesigned iOS 7 just ahead of tomorrow’s iPhone 5s launch. At the same time, Apple shares fell by 5 percent just after the new smartphone was revealed to the world last week. However, judging by Cook’s attitude towards adversity, he doesn’t sound worried. 

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Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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