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True to the rumors, Apple has sent out invitations for a press event on Oct. 22. The Cupertino, Calif.-based company is expected to unveil two new tablets, the long-rumored iPad 5 and iPad mini 2, on a date that is nearly one year after its current generation slates hit the market.

The news follows a report from AllThingsD earlier this month that said Apple would hold such an event. While the new slates are expected to take the spotlight, the publication’s source also revealed that Apple could announce updates on the Mac Pro line and OS X Mavericks as well.

MORE: Apple iPad Mini 2 Rumors: What to Expect

Although Apple has yet to confirm any information about its future products, the rumor mill has been churning harder than ever. Apple’s next generation iPad is expected to feature a thinner, lighter design, an improved camera and the new 64-bit chip Apple introduced with the iPhone 5s. The new iPad is rumored to resemble its smaller-sized iPad mini sibling, especially in its sleek side bezels. Some reports have also said that Apple’s new iPads will get a Touch ID fingerprint scanner in the home button as well.

As for the next-generation iPad mini, a Retina display is currently being touted as the standout feature. Some reports have suggested that Apple is facing supply constraints in producing these Retina display panels, but with heightened competition within the smaller slate space this could be more crucial for Apple than ever. Both Google and Amazon have upgraded the display quality with their respective Nexus 7 (2013) and Kindle Fire HDX tablets. Both devices sport sharp 1920 x 1200 touchscreens, while the current iPad mini’s display features a much-lower 1024 x 768 resolution.

We look forward to learning more about Apple’s plans on Oct. 22.

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Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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