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The Moto X has only been available for a couple of months, but you can already snag it for half the price. Devices ordered through Motorola’s Moto Maker tool are now selling for $99.99 on a two-year contract with AT&T. Sprint and U.S. Cellular have also slashed the on-contract price in half, down from $199.99.

For AT&T subscribers, the deal only applies to customized phones made through the Moto Maker studio. The standard black or white handsets still sell for $199.99 on a two-year contract. US Cellular has sweetened its deal by adding a $75 gift card for buyers that switch their phone number from a different carrier, meaning the device could come as cheap as $24.99.  Verizon has not announced any plans to sell the Moto X for less than $199.99 on contract.

At just $99.99, the Moto X is a much more compelling deal. Outfitted with a dual-core 1.4-GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4, a 4.7-inch 1280 x 720 display and a 10-megapixel camera, the handset struggled to keep up with devices of the same price such as the Galaxy S4, iPhone 5s and HTC One.We praised the Moto X’s responsive touchless controls thanks to its dedicated natural language processor, which makes it stand out from similarly priced phones such as the iPhone 5c.

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Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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