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If the ever-churning Internet rumor mill is to be believed, Amazon will be hosting an event in the coming weeks to debut its new line of Kindle Fire slates. Now, images claiming be the second-generation Kindle Fire HD 7 have reportedly hit the Web.

Courtesy of, the images show a Kindle Fire HD that offers a far more modern look than the previous generation slate. The beveled strip that ran down the back of last year’s 7-inch Fire HD has been replaced with what appears to be a simple Amazon logo. The slate’s volume rocker and power buttons also seem to have gotten a much needed size increase over last year’s model. Overall, the device appears to sport a more angular design than the previous Kindle Fire HD.

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In addition to its new look, the Kindle Fire HD 7 will  reportedly sport an upgraded 7-inch, 1920 x 1200 display and quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor with 2GB of RAM. The slate’s operating system is expected to be a forked version of Google’s Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean, and the tablet will reportedly launch in 16GB, 32GB or 64GB configurations. 

The 7-inch Kindle Fire HD isn’t the only Fire getting an update, though. Both the standard Kindle Fire and the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 are expected to get improved displays and processors. The Kindle Fire will reportedly come with an 1280 x 800 display and rather than the 1024 x 600 display found on the current model. The next-gen Kindle Fire HD 8.9, meanwhile, looks like it will get an impressive 2560 x 1600-pixel display. The tablet will also sport the same Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor as the next-gen Kindle Fire HD 7.

So far, there isn’t much to go on regarding launch times for Amazon’s next-generation tablets, though we expect them to make their debut later this month.

via: BGR

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Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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