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Nvidia’s apparently gotten bored with just providing components to OEMs and is ready to make devices of their own. After making the rounds on the techie rumor mill, Nvidia’s latest product, Nvidia Tegra Tab tablet, is stepping into the FCC spotlight. 

Although the name is a tad derivative, the specs are sure to turn a head or two. For starters, the tablet will reportedly sport a 7-inch, 1280 x 800-pixel IPS display and a version of Nvidia’s Tegra 4 chip. No word on the RAM or internal storage, but the tablet will come with either a 3200- or 4100-mAh battery. From the FCC filing, we know there’s an audio jack, SD card and ports for USB and HDMI. The Tegra Tab is said to be running either stock or close-to-stock Android Jelly Bean.

MORE: Best Tablets 2013

There will also be a stylus that puts both Samsung’s Galaxy Note 8 and the Google Nexus 7 directly in Nvidia’s sights. It looks like the company plans on releasing a few variations of the device, since both the stylus and HDMI are said to be featured on the premium model of the Tab. While its a safe bet that the Nvidia Tegra Tab will be headed to consumers, there’s no word on when and how much.

By comparison, the Note 8 features a 1280 x 800-pixel display, but features a Samsung Exnos processor. The Nexus 7, meanwhile, features a much higher-resolution 1920 x 1200 screen with a Qualcomm Snapdragon CPU. 

The Tegra Tab wouldn’t be Nvidia’s first foray into hardware. Earlier this year, we reviewed the $299 Nvidia Shield for mobile gaming. That too was powered by the Tegra 4 processor and ran an Android OS, but featured a 5-inch display and gaming controllers.

Via Engadget 

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Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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