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Rumors of  a new LG smartphone sporting a flexible display are continuing to heat up. This time, we’re seeing reports that indicate the handset will be called the G Flex and pack a 6-inch display. The new name seems appropriate as it fits LG’s regular naming convention. According to CNET, the G Flex’ release date has been moved from the previously reported October timeframe to November.

Images of the G Flex point to a device that not only features a curved displayed, but a curved body as well. That’s not to say you’ll be able to twist your Flex into a knot. The battery, CPU and boards will still need to be rigged.

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LG isn’t the only smartphone maker reportedly working on a smartphone with a flexible display. Samsung is also said to be prepping a limited-edition version of its Galaxy Note 3 with a curved display. Samsung’s handset seems to be a sure thing, too, with the company’s mobile chief JK Shin saying as much to Korea’s Digital Daily.

This isn’t the first time either LG or Samsung have offered flexible displays. In fact, both companies currently sell high-end televisions with curved screens, though those TVs will set you back more than $1,000. No company, however, currently offers a commercial smartphone with such a display.

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Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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