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Over the next two days, we’ll be bringing you all of the insights, photos, and highlights from Smashing Conference — live from the conference venue. Our team will be posting updates from the early morning to the late evening on both days to bring you as close to the conference as possible.

Bookmark this page to follow the updates in real time. You can also track the tweets from the conference by following the hashtag #smashingconf and permalink for the live updates. Please note that no live stream is available, but all videos will be made available for free after the event. You might want to check out the schedule of the conference as well and the report from day 1.

Tuesday, September 10th 2013



Now live on stage: Jason Santa Maria!

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.



“We are designers and builders, but most of all we are map makers.” — Ethan M.

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.



“Maybe some problems can’t necessarily solved with more code. And maybe we can invite our users in our design and let them help us solve our problems.” — Ethan M.

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.



“How can we design more sustainably for the Web?” — Ethan M.

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.



Same rules today: If you have any questions to ask the speakers, post your questions via #smashingconf — Brad Frost and the Smashing team will be collecting them!

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.



“Something is always lost in translation. There is always a gap between a thing and the representation of it.” — Ethan M.

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.



“We’re starting with the smallest piece of design. With every responsive process we work on we are building a new map of the Web. But we are only just beginning. Our map is far from complete.” — Ethan M.

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.



“We are getting away from pages and starting to think of small layout systems.” — Ethan M.

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.



Dum dum dum dummmm… The moment we’ve all been waiting for… The mystery speaker is… *drumroll*… the one and only, Ethan Marcotte!

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.



Have you guessed who the Mystery Speaker is yet? All we know is that his second name is Klaus Schmidt! But WHO IS THIS KLAUS?

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.



Are you ready for Day 2? Unfortunately the weather isn’t really playing along (it’s raining!)… Please don’t forget to bring along your coats and umbrellas as well as your attendee badges as you head back to the Smashing Conference venue this morning! 🙂

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.



Good morning everyone! Hangover? No worries, we’ve got coffee ready for you! And some beautiful Bavarian accordion music:

© The Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2013.


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Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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